Fix client detection and java fallback in WI4.6 when using it with AAC
1. Open the
\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\AccessPlatform\conf\WebInterface.conf file in Notepad.
2. Add the following setting to the file:
EnableClientDetectionForAG=OnIf using Access Gateway 4.5 Advanced Edition, complete the following procedure in addition to the above:
1. Open the
\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\AccessPlatform\auth\login.aspx file in Notepad.
2. Add the text below in
bold to line 50 (line number may differ if other customizations were made to this file):
if ( isWizardModeSupported(Mode.SILENT) &&
clientsAvailableForDetection() &&
Request.QueryString[QSTR_MSG_KEY] == null) {
if (runWizardSilently()
Session[SV_WIZARD_SILENT_FINISHED_KEY] = VAL_TRUE; callWizardSilently();
} else if (!sWizardInfo.isInitialized()){
3. Press CTRL+S to save the file.
4. Open the
\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\AccessPlatform\auth\clientDetectionVariablesForPost.aspx file in Notepad.
5. Add the text below in
bold to line 67 (line number may differ if other customizations were made to this file):
<input type="hidden" name="<%=WizardConstants.PARAMETER_ALLOW_LOGOUT%>" value="<%= logout %>" />
<% if (sWizardInfo.getMode() != Mode.SILENT){ %> <input type="hidden" name="<%=WizardConstants.PARAMETER_MASTER_PAGE%>" value="~/app_data/auth/include/WIWizardLayout.master" />
<% } if (showWelcomeScreen){ %>
6. Press CTRL+S to save the file.